Durée intime 215 minutes 44 secondes, ici et ailleurs
(radio version)
215분 44초간의 친밀한 시간, 여기 그리고 다른곳에 (라디오 버전), 2008
Durée: 3h 45mins, Diffusion 18h~21h30, Dimanche le 10 Aout 2008 a l'émission SFX Seoul Radio
Intro for radio
Artist Book, Texts in French/Korean by On Kim, 203mm*237mm, 46pages, Edition of 3 copies, Edition Ohn
Presented on the occasion of the "Sound Effects Seul Radio 2008, Croft Gallery
Presented on the occasion of the "Sound Effects Seul Radio 2008, Croft Gallery
Exbihtion view, Sound Effects Seul Radio 2008, Croft Gallery