La révolution littéraire d'un biscuit #1, #2
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과자의 문학적 혁명 #1, #2 2008-2010 |
사운드와 함께 읽는 행위라는 매개역할을 통해 과자 패키지 활자들을 읽어나가면서 소비를 유혹하는 현란한, 크고 작은 활자들을 평등화하는 한편의 소리 시(Sound Poetry)로 실현한다. |
performance vocal & sound, 5~10min.
Sangsangmadang Live hall
Sound Effects Seoul 2010: Sound Specific
8 p.m, Tue, 13.01.2010
" Kim On's hypnotic three and a half hour voice and text performance was one of the highlights of SFX Radio Seoul 2008. In addition to a (somewhat shorter) encore of her performance from last time "Literary Revolution of Snacks #2", she will be presenting a new work Dialogue Sound-Writing (Writing Action; On Kim + Guitar&Others Instruments; Jeong U Choe) "
Sound Specific 2010, Performance |
Gallery Factory
Versus Magazine N.2 launch party
Sound Performance: 6:00 p.m., May 15, 2009
Art Space HUT
Sound Effects Seoul radio 2008
FM 101.5Mhz, Diffusion a la radio
7p.m. Sun. 10. 08. 2008